Commit 4e7fa389 authored by huanle's avatar huanle


parent 84dcbc37
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2006~2018 All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed ( )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: liu21st <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
return [
// token过期时间
'token_expire_second' => 86400,
namespace app\login\controller;
use app\login\model\Token as TokenModel;
use cjango\Dingtalk\User;
use src\Dingtalk\Utils;
use think\Controller;
......@@ -8,12 +9,20 @@ use src\Dingtalk;
use think\Session;
class Index extends Controller
// public function index(){
// return $this->fetch();
// }
public function check()
$token = input('post.token');
$tokenModel = new TokenModel();
$checkResult = $tokenModel->check($token);
if ($checkResult == false) {
return json(code([], $tokenModel->getErrCode(), $tokenModel->getError()));
} else {
return json(code(['bind_info' => json_decode($checkResult)]));
public function config(){
$Ding = new Dingtalk();
$Token =new Dingtalk\Token();
......@@ -41,6 +50,9 @@ class Index extends Controller
$User =new Dingtalk\User();
$userid =$User->code($code);
$token =new Token();
$gettoken = $token->create($userid);
......@@ -53,4 +65,7 @@ class Index extends Controller
return json(code([$data], 0, 'ok'));
// var_dump($_SESSION);
public function checkToken(){
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: liupei
* Date: 2018/1/30
* Time: 14:25
namespace app\login\controller;
use think\Controller;
use app\login\model\Token as TokenModel;
* 处理用户token
* @package app\access\controller
class Token extends Controller
* 检测token是否合法
* @return array
public function check()
$token = input('post.token');
$tokenModel = new TokenModel();
$checkResult = $tokenModel->check($token);
if ($checkResult == false) {
return json(code([], $tokenModel->getErrCode(), $tokenModel->getError()));
} else {
return json(code(['bind_info' => json_decode($checkResult)]));
public function login(){
$code = input('post.code');
//$access_token= Session::get('access_token');
$User =new Dingtalk\User();
$userid =$User->code($code);
$result= $this->create($userid);
// return json($data);
return json(code([$data], 0, 'ok'));
public function create($uid)
//$client = data('client', 'pc');// 客户端标识phone,pc,pc_msg目前只支持3 种
$tokenModel = new TokenModel();
// if ($getOld == 1) {
// $exist = $tokenModel->getUserToken($uid, $client);
// if (!empty($exist)) {
// // 更新过期时间
// $tokenModel->updateExpire($exist, config('token_expire_second'));
// return code(['token' => $exist, 'expire_second' => config('token_expire_second')]);
// }
// }
$token = $tokenModel->createToken($uid);
if ($token == false) {
return json(code([], $tokenModel->getErrCode(), $tokenModel->getError()));
} else {
return json(code(['token' => $token, 'expire_second' => config('token_expire_second')]));
\ No newline at end of file
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: liupei
* Date: 2018/1/30
* Time: 14:34
namespace app\login\model;
use think\Model;
class Token extends Model
* 检测token是否合法
* @param $token string 用户token
* @return bool
public function check($token)
$info = cache('token_'.$token);
if ($info === false) {
$this->errCode = 10003;
$this->error = '没有token';
return false;
return $info;
* 生成token并绑定数据,2小时内重新请求自动续期
* @param $uid binint 用户uid
* @param $bindInfo string 要绑定的数据
* @param $client string 客户端标识phone,pc目前只支持2 种
* @return bool|string
public function createToken($uid)
if (empty($uid)) {
$this->error = '绑定uid的数据不能为空';
$this->errCode = 1001;
return false;
$token = md5(create_unique());
$expireSecond = config('token_expire_second');
// 清除token
// 设置新的token
$rs = cache('token_'.$token, $expireSecond);
if ($rs) {
// 设置我的新缓存记录
$record = cache('token_'.$uid);
$record = json_decode($record, true);
is_array($record) || $record = [];
$record[] = ['token' =>$token];
cache('token_'.$uid, json_encode($record), 0);
return $token;
} else {
$this->errCode = 10000;
$this->error = 'token写入失败';
return false;
\ No newline at end of file
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